Dell Laptop Backlight Not Working


The backlight has nothing to do with your GPU and they simply go out over time. I have been supporting laptops for many years and can tell you the 2 biggest support issues with them is the backlight and keyboards/trackpoint going out on them. You should probably look into either getting a new LCD or a new laptop depending on the cost of the LCD. I'm having a similar issue, the backlight worked fine and suddenly its not working at all. But my control panel only has a slider, that doesn't do anything. Ver 1.7.1000. What is the current version for Latitude E6410 series on Win 7? Or what was the original version? Sep 19, 2018 - cat /sys/devices/platform/dell-laptop/leds/dell::kbdbacklight/brightness. The Keyboard Backlight Time-Out Interval in Ubuntu Linux in the Dell. Knowing the Laptop make & model would help us identify they type of screen/backlight. If it is an older style CCFL backlight, you may be able to replace the inverter inexpensively without replacing the entire screen.

  1. Dell Laptop Backlight Not Working Windows 10

Dell Laptop Backlight Not Working Windows 10

You may want to examine the brightness settings for the Dell keyboard. The following procedure worked for me:.Display the set up brightness: $ cat /sys/devices/pIatform/dell-laptop/Ieds/dell::kbdbacklight/brightnéss0.Discover the optimum brightness: $ kitty /sys/devices/pIatform/dell-laptop/Ieds/dell::kbdbacklight/maxbrightnéss4.Fixed the desired level of lighting (right here: 4): $ echo 4 sudo tee /sys/devices/pIatform/dell-laptop/Ieds/dell::kbdbacklight/brightnessSIightly associated: You might also want to configure thé time-out interval for the backlight, using the stoptimeout environment.See also the article in the Dell understanding base.

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